Monday, December 13, 2010

A Handcrafted Wedding Treasure...

I have this special friend {lol} whom I just adore. It just so happens that her oldest son is getting married this week. A beautiful winter in Utah wedding, can you just imagine? Truly stunning and I can't wait to see photos! hint, hint special friend!

I really wanted to make something special and well, drop dead gorgeous for them. I can't after all just send a gift card in a card! Well I could have but that isn't my style. I decided to make something that would be a gift within itself. A treasure. Since I had prior knowledge of the wedding theme & colors I could make a personalized treasure. 

The idea came to me very quickly but the end result was way more than anything I dreamed it could be. Now my mind is restless. What else can I make in it's likeness. Oh how I wish it wasn't mid December. I want to make more of these. Not shop! 

Friends I give you... 

The Cake

This work of art stands approx 10in H and 7in W. It's all paper except for the mini pinecones. It is constructed of 3 nesting paper mache round boxes without the lids. I hot glued the 3 boxes together & created a chipboard bottom for the bottom box. 

I adhered Colonial White cardstock (ctmh) to each tier (middle tier was embossed first with a Cuttlebug folder) and then added a strip of Breeze cardstock (retired ctmh) to the base of each acting like ribbon. Then I painted on several coats of Pearl Paint (ctmh) to the entire cake. Glitter Glue (ctmh) was added at the bases to hide the hot glue. I then finished off the top & bottom tiers with Pearl Opaques (ctmh).

I hand crafted all the roses out of Colonial White, Sunset (tinted with Tulip) and Breeze cardstock (ctmh) I dabbed them with Desert Sand ink & Pearl Paint. They were hot glued on along with mini pinecones, red berries & Pine Leaves (Martha Stewart Punch, Olive cs-ctmh) I also stuck in several florist pins with crystal tops.

This is the top
Do you see the four ivory ribbons? Well underneath the Cream rose on top is the gift card secured to the ribbons. I took a serrated kitchen knife and sliced through the top tier, just wide enough for the gift card. I did end up going through the second tier a bit. I did that so the gift card would be hidden more. I punched a hole (not through the magnetic strip) at the top of the gift card & tied on the ribbon. The Cream rose is attached to a stick pin and comes out to remove the gift card but goes back in afterwards. 

Another view
Note: I also used quite a bit of Liquid Glass (ctmh) to adhere the berries, pine leaves & to create the roses.

The video Tutorial on making my roses is here on this blog or on youtube. I do plan on making additional cakes -my first being a birthday cake for my daughter who turned 20 yesterday. She comes home from college on Friday so I need to get baking! lol Oh, and I need to shop more too.

I do have a favor friends.  If I've inspired you to create a cake of your own don't forget me! Not only do I love the credit but I would love to see your creation. Share the love baby.

Have a wonderful day friends!

Edited Post: I forgot to add that I made a real cute matching card that used the bride & groom's initials (also on the announcement)


Lorrinda said...

Tracey! As I pick my jaw up off the floor...This is JUST. STUNNING.
They will love it. you gift wrap the gift box?

Rick and Kori said...

Tracey, Seriously I have NEVER seen anything more beautiful! I want to steal it from Daysha and Easton and take it home to my house. You are SOOOO sweet to spend so much time on their gift and I know they already treasure it. You are such an awesome friend to my mom and I love ya!

Jeanie B said...

O.M.G. You are the Queen! I'm waving to the Queen. Awesome! Thanks for continuing to inspire.

Rebecca said...

Absolutely STUNNING! WOW! Just spectacular! Great job!

Sheila Bennett said...

Your cake is absolutely INCREDIBLE!! You are so very talented, and much have an incredible amount of patience. Certainly hope the bride & groom appreciate the wonderful 'container' for their gift card. :)

Carla said...

This is absolutely STUNNING!!!
Thanks for sharing - you continue to INSPIRE!!

Peggy Lee said...

TRACEY TRACEY TRACEY!!!! OMW girl you rock!!! That cake is fabulous, the colors are outstanding together..and of course I love making the your video.
You inspire me!

Katy said...

OMGSH!!!!! This is so absultely STUNNING!!! When I get married, can I have one just like don't even have to put a gift card in it...the presentation is gift enough!!! It's just fabulous!!!

Unknown said...

Being the 'special' friend that I am, I had to leave a 'special' comment. I almost DIED when I saw this in the box you sent. Daysha and Easton LOVE it and have asked if it can be the centerpiece on the sign-in table at the reception. Of course that is exactly what we are doing. Everyone at the shower oohhhhed and aahhhed over it for hours. I am so fortunate to have such a thoughtful 'special' friend. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU and THANK YOU!

Martha Barnett said...

TRACEY! You have outdone yourself girlfriend! This is seriously awesome!
Marty B.

Lisa P said...

Holy crap, Tracey!!! That is stunning! wowsers!

You got some talent girl! You could make those for a living. :-)

Tiffanie said...

OH MY GOSH!!! You are amazing!!! It really is OUTSTANDING...i at first thought it was a real cake!!! There really are NO words...ugh..I wish I lived by a craft store!!!! I want to play! (now that my santa boxes are made and delivered!!! lol...

Debbie Carriere said...

Gorgeous, stunning, & a special, special gift! I think my jaw hit the desk when I saw this. Absolutely inspiring. I love the card, too! I would love to know what kind of adhesive you use to ruffle your ribbon? I always put a stitch through because either the adhesive shows or doesn't hold. Thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous work. I love to open your artwork!

Haley D. said...

Bowing to the Queen... I am not worthy; I am not worthy; I am not worthy...

This is one of the most amazing paper projects I have EVER seen. You are definitely a special friend! Best wishes to the bride & groom too!

Carol Gomes said...

your work is absolutely amazing!!!

Thank you for sharing, now I will have to bookmark your blog!

Unknown said...

That is really gorgeous! You are so talented and yes, the queen of paper crafting! Thanks for sharing.

Kelly Schelske said...

This is absolutely gorgeous Tracey!

Andrea Ewen said...

Oh my , Tracey this is gorgeous! This must have taken you quite a long time and there is so much detail work! Simply fabulous! Thanks for playing along with us at Heart 2 Heart challenges!

Stampin n da Hood said...

someone call 9-1-1…
my jaw dropped, hit the corner of my desk, drawing blood as I collasped to the floor, then I grasped the edge with both hands to crawl back up for a second look, and hit the corner on my forehead, went to yell OWEEEEE and wipe the blood up, and poked my finger in my eye and am now having an occular occurrence and can't find the phone!

just sayin…your artwork is always KILLIN me man!

Melanie said...

This is absolutely GORGEOUS! What an amazing creation! I, too, can't wait to see all the photos from the wedding! I'm sure the'll be GORGEOUS! said...

Wowzers Girlfriend, that definately "takes the cake"! Ah, ya better enter it in some contests and win the big bucks! You are on to something here! Love, Love, Love it!

Lisa Fowler Windsor, CO said...

Tracey! This is too beautiful for words! Stunning-Incredible--looks Edible! And the fact that it is concealing a gift card--Brilliant-Awesome-WOW. Always love your work, thanks for sharing!

sherree said...

absolutely beautiful!!!

Deneen said...

Amazing! Amazing what you can do with paper:) This is just stunning. Thanks for playing along with H2H.

Tracey Mason's Studio said...

Well girls, way to warm a girl's heart! How do I respond to all of you? My little Thank You just doesn't seem enough.

I am blessed with friendship. Funny how "paper" can do that to women huh?

It all started with a little idea that grew into "the cake" and I couldn't be more pleased. Not just for the love of giving such a lovely gift but for the love I am receiving in return. I encourage all of you to make someone a handmade gift. It's a treasure that will come back to you in some shape or another.

In response to some comments:

Kori- you are as beautiful inside as you are outside. Love you too!

Katy- let me know when you get married.

Debbie- my secret to ribbon is Scor-Pal tape. It would hold a car together.

Terri in da hood- Dang girl. Hopes you ok!

Andrea- the answer is 3 days. full days. I was in absolute heaven.

Lorrinda- I did wrap it! But in clear gift basket wrap with a purdy ribbon on top!

Karen- I am honored by my wee cakes new place. "Centerpiece status".

JHopkins said...

You should post this on a couple of wedding blogs. No doubt you would get commissioned to make them for others. It is absolutely stunning. I wish I had known about your artistic talent before my wedding!! Karen is lucky to have you as such a great friend.

Courtney Milburn said...

OMG!!! I LOVE this! You have so inspired me and I am going to become a new follower of your amazing work. I my have to make this sometime soon. I will deffinately send people back your way to see this. Great work!

Angela said...

Tracey, this is the most beautiful thing I've seen made out of paper! Way to go!

Nalazoo said...

Tracey - this is GORGEOUS! I've watched your tutorial, and made a couple of paper roses and hand my hands cramp...I can only imagine making all those paper roses to decorate this cake. What a brilliant idea and a beautiful gift that will be cherished.

You my dear are an amazingly talented artist.

Thank you for your inspiration!

Thinking I'll have to create something like this as a graduation present for my son, Andrew, who is going to Johnson & Wales for Bakery & Pastry Arts.

Ann said...

Tracey, This is just gorgeous!

Jayma Malme said...

Wow. I have no words to say how amazing you are, Tracey. Well. Done.

Amy Pitts said...

I am speechless this is simply beautiful! I can see the love pouring out of this cake. They are truely blessed to have you as a friend.
My daughter was sitting next to me as I read this post and she was like wow that is paper.
You are amazing Tracey you have blown me away in the past but wow wow wow. Lovely. I can't even stop gushing. You should be so proud of yourself. I think this is a showstopper!

Paper doll said...

OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!! Tracy girl this is stunning!! Who thinks of things like this? Tracy Mason!! This is truly amazing, there going to love it!!!!

Paper doll said...

Thanks for sharing with H2H!

Jen Patrick- Roxybonds Creates said...

Tracey, this is just about the most amazing creation I've seen! I really thought the cake was real and you added the flowers- but WOW!!!

Marjo Brans said...

I was really stunned, beatiful; amazing; awesome, there are not enough words to descripe your work. I want to make a little cake for my daughter (she turns 16 next thursday) a already made her a banner

Jessica said...

Are you kidding me? Wow wow wow absolutely amazing, you are the papercrafting queen! This is truley phenomenal what a wonderful friend you are!

Tammy Hall said...

That cake is so beautiful and Im am so sure that the Bride and Groom will love it for the rest of their lives. You are so amazing with your craftiness. I need to sit down next to you one day!!!

youngmi said...

oh my goodness. the colors are so beautiful and i've never EVER seen paper roses like this before. truly an amazing work of art ^_^ thanks for sharing!

Tamytha said...

What can be said that hasn't already been said? In fact, there aren't really any words that can express it adequately. It's beyond gorgeous, beyond incredible, beyond amazing, but I have to agree with others, it is one of the most beautiful paper creations I've ever seen. What a wonderful gift to give...and you should definitely consider making these for some moolah.

Kimberly said...

This is simply a work of art! It makes me sad all over again that breeze was retired.

Shelly R Wilson said...

Holy Hannah! This is absolutely STUNNING! I love how you showcased the possibilities of CTMH... LOVE IT!

scrappychica said...

wow this cake trully is a treasure! simply amazing and jaw dropping! tfs!!! would love a class on that.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely AMAZING. You never cease to amaze me. You are soooo talented. Keep up the great work!

Jen Lee said...

Tracey, you are totally AMAZING! The cake is pretty incredible too! :-)

Gloria said...

OMG, I am not worthy. You are amazing and inspire me beyond belief. I'll be picking my jaw up off the floor now and heading to bed to dream of many beautiful cakes. Thank you for sharing your talent with us!

TFern said...

WOW!! This cake is stunning! I've seen a LOT of wedding items out here on blogland and hands down your cake is the BEST creation I've seen...I like the fact it can customized to anyone's wedding just by adjusting the colors and elements.

Kerryn said...

oh wow this is just amazing!!

Alberta said...

I'm in awe of how absolutely gorgeous this is and wonderfully creative and ingenious. Bravissimo!

Allison {A Glimpse Inside} said...

I came over from the Craft Gossip Email I received after seeing this there. This is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! I can't believe that is all paper! Those roses look like fabric! Love it!! :)

I shared the link to this on my blog's, A Glimpse Inside, FB page.

marlene said...

What a beautiful cake your idea is wonderful. just lovely

Unknown said...

Really beautiful and so creative...I was thinking something like this would be adorable to hold the gift cards at a reception or shower. I am so impressed with your attention to detail!

Alisa said...

Exquisite!I love how you work with paper. I have done an assorted amount of paper arts but this is amazing. Thanks for sharing.

Courtney Milburn said...

I just drool at all your are always someone I can gleam some inspiration off of. Check out my sight at
I have something for you there.

Beverley said...

Totally and amazingly stunning ... you inspired me ... had me dreaming paper wedding cakes for days ... weeks ... until I caved in and made one! Thanks for being an inspiration.

Ericka said...

Tracy, thanks for the inspiration, here is a link to mine:

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Who is Tracey?

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I live in Maine with my husband and two kids while my oldest is in San Fran attending college. I am happiest with my camera attached to my face or making something crafty with paper. I am going on 9 years as a CTMH consultant, I am a Stamping Royalty Contest Winner and have been published many times in Papercrafts & Stamp It.

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