Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Beach Vintage" Photography

Just took these a couple days ago & applied a beach vintage look to them. Needless to say, "I Love Them!"
May even blow them up & put them on canvas.
So it's kinda like Maine meets Tiffanys. Yummy combo. 


Michelle Nist said...

These are amazing - it would make an awesome wall collection! :)
What are you using to play?

Nashmiller said...

WOW!! I am amazed by the beauty of your photos!

Anonymous said...

maine is truly a beautiful state! I know because I live there also. gorgeous photos!!

Bucketlist Becky said...

These photos turned out beautifully.

Heart 2 Heart

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Who is Tracey?

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I live in Maine with my husband and two kids while my oldest is in San Fran attending college. I am happiest with my camera attached to my face or making something crafty with paper. I am going on 9 years as a CTMH consultant, I am a Stamping Royalty Contest Winner and have been published many times in Papercrafts & Stamp It.

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